I was asked If I could explain how I made my Mini Book for the projects I have created this week for the Shaker Box Book Cases. So I thought it would be easier to do a tutorial. There are quite a few photos, but hopefully it is explained fully.
I make these books with the children at school!!!! Hopefully you all will listen and concentrate much better than 7 year olds!!!
Here goes!!
1. Cut 5 pieces of paper so they measure 14cm by 28cm
2. Fold each as above.
3. Fold in half, to look like this making sure the fold is on the right hand side.
4. Cut the paper, from the fold to the next fold line.
5. You should have this then,
6. Lay the piece of paper out flat then gently push the sides in and this should happen. The centre should resemble a duck's mouth.
7. Keep pushing inwards and the piece of paper should then create this shape, the longest folded line is in the middle.
8. If you then gently squeeze the paper together so you have a folded section and cut section on each side you should end up with the paper folded like below.
9. The fold the whole thing in half along the centre fold line.
13. To make the cover I cut a strip of A4, 7.2cm wide and the full length of A4 (just under 30cm)
14. Stick the front of the book to the left hand side of the piece of card, leaving a small border at the left edge, about 1mm.
15. Score along the folded edges of the book to begin to create the spin.
16. Fold this score line and then score along the edge of the book again, again the card, this will then complete the spine.
17. Again score along the edge of the book against the card, fold, then score again and fold. this creates the folded up section of the binder, or you could cut the card here to create a conventional book.
18. Once you have created the back of the book you can stick it down.
19. Trim the flap to about 3cm.
20. You now have the book bound with a front flap.
21. You can use any kind of fastening, ribbon is a good holder. However as a bonus I have created a fancier fastener. I have see these around for ages so thought I'd have a go and put it on one of my mini books.
22. I cut 3 different sizes in circles, but an extra large black circle just for sturdiness.
23. I then layered them up to create the fastener.
24. A hole punched in each using my crop-o-dile.
25. Then a brad in each, but without flattening the backs.
26. I began to tie a knot in some thread, but before completing the knot I put it around the back of the brad, and finished the knot.
27. Create the mats for the front of the book, and position holes where the fasteners need to go.
28. Attach the fastener without the thread but wrap one end of the thread around it the flatten out the back, sounds odd I know but it will make sense soon.
29. Undo the thread and the fastener should be a little bit loose. Then attach the other fastener (with the thread) to the other side.
30. Flatten the back, then adhere tape to the back of the mats, and stick to the front cover of the book
31. Close the cover and wrap the thread around the opposite fastener, it needed to be loose to be able to be wrapped around.
32. You can add tags if wanted, before you wrap the thread.
That's it.
I really hope this all makes sense, any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
I'll post the completed project later.
Hope you like
Hugs Sarah B X
Hello Sarah, wow what a great tutorial hunny and love the project below too, you've been very busy and your very talented! hugs Linda x
ReplyDeleteI can remember making these with the children at school as well......but yours are much,much nicer!!
ReplyDeleteGreat tutorial. I've also made these books with children. In fact, I've also used this technique to create cards! I wrote a tutorial on a forum a couple of years back and went to check if it was still there and it was!!! Here's a link if you want to check it out.
Will have a go at this I'm sure especially as they fit in the shaker box.
Sarah, the bbok is so cute, I love the way you have finished the cover, thanks for sharing!!
ReplyDeletehugs Angela x
Thanks a bunch, it's adorable!
ReplyDeleteGreat tutorial, thanks for sharing this Sarah :)
ReplyDeleteHave a good week.
Alex x
Love making lill ole books loved your tutorial x
ReplyDeletethank you for the inspiration. Mark